Oral Health Access
for Maine's Veterans
The Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services (MBVS) was awarded a grant from the Maine Health Access Foundation in April to conduct a needs assessment regarding veterans’ access to dental care (both 100% service-connected and non-service-connected veterans). Six-months later and with over 50 oral health professionals interviewed, the 105-page report, “Oral Health Access for Maine’s Veterans,” is completed and is posted on the Bureau’s website, as well as contact information for dental clinics (Federally Qualified Health Centers, University of New England and University of Maine Dental Hygiene Clinics, Community Care Clinics, and free-standing, non-profit dental clinics), located throughout the state. For more information see the MBVS website https://www.maine.gov/veterans/benefits/healthcare/dental_access_and_information.html.

Director David Richmond noted, “It is the Bureau’s intent to pursue the report’s recommendations on both a national and state level with our partner organizations. The needs assessment concisely documents the long-standing problem of veterans’ access to dental services in Maine. Veterans have given their full commitment while serving in the U.S. Military, and it’s our duty to find them an easier route to maintain their oral health upon discharge.”
                        The needs assessment asked three specific questions:
  • What are the current challenges veterans face to access oral health services in Maine?

  • What oral health assets can veterans utilize to receive dental care?

  • How can we maximize and coordinate resources to decrease gaps throughout the state?
                              Multiple recommendations were made during
                                   the course of the assessment including:

  • Updating the MBVS website to have an oral health section that includes all the resources documented in this report and a link to the report for veterans’ ease of access.

  • Creating an earmarked fund for veterans’ dental care and utilize existing Federally Qualified Health Centers and free standing, non-profit clinics to provide oral health services to them.
  • Working with the Veterans’ Dental Network in New Hampshire and Northeast Delta Dental to replicate a similar program in Maine.

  • Partner with Wabanaki Public Health and Tribal Health Care Directors to look for ways to expand their dental clinics in Northern and Downeast Maine.

  • MBVS and community partners (the VA Maine Healthcare System, Vet Centers, the Maine Oral Health Coalition, and the Lunder-Dineen Health Education Alliance of Maine) will collaborate to create a continuing educational module, Addressing Veterans’ Oral Health Needs, that will provide training and continuing education credits to Maine’s dental care providers.



Maine Safer Homes Taskforce
In September in correlation with Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, MBVS rolled out the Maine Safer Homes Taskforce (MSHT) with partner organizations – The Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Maine, the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the VA Maine Healthcare System, and Maine’s five Vet Centers. The taskforce’s mission is to promote firearm and medication safety in our homes in an effort to prevent suicide in Maine, especially within the veterans’ community, who currently has the highest rate of suicides in the northeast and according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, roughly 75% of veteran suicides in Maine are completed with a firearm. 

Utilizing a public health approach and leaning on the strong safety culture that already exists within Maine’s firearms community, the MSHT is working to promote a means reduction strategy that is easily understood. The first steps taken towards this goal included working with VA Maine Health Care, local Police and Sheriff’s Departments, and the Maine State Police to get cable gun locks distributed in Maine communities. To date, over 600 gun locks have been distributed to law enforcement for this purpose, and they are an inexpensive way to put time and space between a person in crisis and their firearm. 

Other taskforce objectives include:

Developing veteran family and community safety plans.

Promoting temporary off-site firearms and medication storages options with family, friends, and law enforcement when a person is experiencing a mental health crisis. 

Providing education to the community regarding the warning signs of suicide.

Simply put, practicing means reduction in our homes can save lives. If you know of a firearms dealer, instructor, or local Fish & Game Club that would like to assist with this community program, please have them contact the Bureau at 207-430-6035 or email sarah.sherman@maine.gov.

Maine Implements the PREVENTS Plan

The PREVENTS Program (President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide) https://www.va.gov/prevents/, adopts a strategy to prioritize mental health in the government, workplace, and organizations across our state. 
Citizens are being asked to make a commitment to increase awareness regarding mental health issues and suicide prevention. The PREVENTS Pledge to REACH is one-way communities can work together to learn about suicide risk factors and support each other during this national public health challenge.  To learn more about the pledge see - https://www.wearewithinreach.net/

Businesses looking to improve their employee’s mental health can promote Wellbeing in the Workplace, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s collaboration with the PREVENTS Executive Order Task Force, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which seeks to encourage a national discussion on mental health in the workplace. They, too, offer ways co-workers can collaborate and support each other with, The Pledge to Prioritize Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace - https://www.hiringourheroes.org/wellbeing/

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Maine) is the state’s suicide prevention contracted partner. They provide prevention and postvention services across the state, and offer educational and support classes throughout the year, including the upcoming Beyond the Basics in Suicide Prevention Conference on October 1st, held in partnership with the state of Maine. This year’s conference will focus on suicide prevention efforts for Maine’s diverse populations, including veterans. FMI -  https://www.namimaine.org/   

Suicide prevention is everyone’s business. Know the signs and symptoms. As a state, we can work together to change the conversation around suicide and mental health wellbeing. For more information or support see the following helpline resources:

Veterans Crisis Line – 1-800-273-8255 Press 1 or 
Confidential crisis chat at VeteransCrisisLine.net or Text to 838255.

24/7 Statewide Crisis Line – 1-888-568-1112

24/7 Intentional Warm Line – 1-866-771-9276

24/7 Suicide Hotline – 1- 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)

24/7 Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or Text "TalkWithUs" to 66746

Maine FrontLine/WarmLine for health care workers and first responders – 1-207-221-8196, free, confidential support 8am-8pm, 7 days a week.

NAMI Maine Teen Text Support Line – 1-207-515-8398 (Text)

211 and 211maine.org


Upcoming Events

The Hire-A-Vet Campaign 2020 will offer virtual breakout events every Wednesday, September 23 – December 24 until the conclusion of the campaign. FMI - http://www.mainecareercenter.gov/mhav/

MBVS will be participating in the Brain Injury Association of America – Maine Chapter’s Eleventh Annual Virtual Conference - Defining Moments in Brain Injury, October 13 & 14, and MBVS Veterans Service Officer, Michael Cox will present “Supporting Our Service Members,” as a breakout session. FMI - https://www.biausa.org/find-bia/states/maine/defining-moments-in-brain-injury-conference

The University of New England’s Third Annual Maine Harm Reduction Conference will be held on October 30, and MBVS Director David Richmond, Tracy Charette, RN and Maine Veterans Affairs Suicide Prevention Coordinator, and MBVS Director of Strategic Partnerships, Sarah Sherman, will present on the Maine Safer Homes Taskforce formation and its goals. FMI - https://www.une.edu/events/2020/third-annual-maine-harm-reduction-conference


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